Fee structure

The Fee structure for the 2024/2025 seasons is as follows:


Grading Season
October to December 2024

Championship Season
January to August 2025
Under 10's $260 $415
U12 - U18 Division 1 & 2    $280 $555
U12 - U18 Division 3 + $280 $470
Youth League (U21/U23) $230 $370
Seniors $50 $50
  Domestic Summer 2023/2024
Term 4, 2023 and Term 1, 2024
Domestic Winter 2024
Term 2 and 3, 2024
Domestic Teams $400 (Now inc SDJBL Gameday Fee) $400 (Now inc SDJBL Gameday Fee)


A $50 Registration/Trial fee is payable.

A $3 Free throw foundation levy is charged for summer season to all fee paying members

A volunteer levy is charged to members at $75 a season for district U10-U23 players. this levy can either be paid in full when invoiced or members can perform specific tasks to work the levy off. these tasks include:

-Coach a team

-Member of a subcommittee/board

-Team manage for a team

-Score table/Statistician for NBL1 Central home games by contacting Colin events@forestvilleeagles.asn.au)