Refer to the policy manual below for a list of all FEBC policies please note some key polices of:
The Hot Weather Policy outlines the processes to ensure player, coach, officials and staff welfare and safety when there are temperatures forecast 38 degrees and above in line with Basketball SA’s Hot Weather Policy.
This policy applies to all players, coaches, officials and staff of FEBC for training, outdoor fitness and or conditioning sessions and basketball clinics. The Basketball SA Hot Weather Policy will be applied for District Basketball, Local Social, Mini-ball and Junior Domestic Competition, and State Teams.
No-one should ever feel as though they must play if they believe it is unsafe or they are feeling distressed. FEBC will cancel or postpone training in the instances when conditions are considered unsafe.
If the reported (expected) maximum temperature as published on the Bureau of Meteorology web site ( is 38 degrees or above, all trainings (juniors and seniors) will be cancelled for that day/evening. All FEBC players will be informed by club management via email.
Please note training in air-conditioned stadiums will not be cancelled due to heat (currently the Westbourne Park, Unley, Parkside, St Marys and Cabra meet the criteria, unless it is deemed we have had consecutive days of a heat wave and it is not in the safety and wellbeing of our members to travel to and from and participate in training.
Team Coaches / Managers will advise players of training cancellation.
Please note, team training venues may change to accommodate teams that have had multiple training cancellations. This will be at the discretion of club management.
As per Basketball SA’s Hot Weather Policy, on days when the forecast maximum temperature as published in the printed version of the Advertiser/Sunday Mail (early edition) that day is 38 degrees or higher all junior games will be cancelled or postponed, except those at air-conditioned stadiums (currently St Clair, Starplex, The Lights, The ARC, Marion, Mitchell Park and Titanium Security Arena meet this criteria).
On days when the predicted maximum temperature as published in the Advertiser/Sunday Mail that day is 35 degrees or higher, timing rules for all games will be modified as per Basketball SA’s Hot Weather Policy.
Roles and responsibilities
Irrespective of the predicted maximum temperature, FEBC coaches, team managers and staff have a responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of their teams and players and should adopt the following as appropriate, in cases of hot weather:
Coaches are responsible to:
Ensure the safety and well being of players at all times
Monitor weather conditions via the Bureau of Meteorology web site ( and cancel training when the temperature is 38 degrees and above or make appropriate modifications to training if weather is 35 degrees or above. Please note training in air-conditioned stadiums will not be cancelled due to heat;
Advise the Team Manager to communicate cancellation to players;
Ascertain whether any players have known medical conditions which may be affected by heat;
Ensure that players take adequate fluid during the game / training;
Make substitutions as appropriate and provide extra drink breaks;
Utilise available time-outs.
Team managers are responsible to:
Ensure the safety and well-being of players at all times;
Liaise with coaches and advise players when training is cancelled 38 degrees and above;
Ensure that players take adequate fluid before, during and after the game / training;
Be alert and react to any signs of distress/potential distress in players;
Ascertain whether players have medical conditions which may be affected by weather conditions.
Players are responsible to:
Proactively advise if they have medical conditions which may be affected by weather conditions;
Ensure they take adequate fluid before, during and after the game / training;
Proactively raise their concerns if they believe it is unsafe or they are feeling distressed.
The Forestville Eagles Basketball Club states in its Equal Opportunity Policy, that all members and staff have a right to expect that they will be treated fairly and with respect at the Club. Additionally, the Club expects that: -
- All members will be treated by staff and Board of Directors Members equally and with respect and
- All staff and Board of Directors Members will behave in a professional manner at all times whilst in their Club role.
From time to time however, people may have a concern about: -
- A matter of policy or procedure or its implementation,
- The actions of other staff or Board of Directors Members,
- The actions of a Club member,
- The manner in which an incident at work was handled.
It is the intention of the Board of Directors, that such concerns are handled quickly and sensitively and ultimately resolved to the satisfaction of all parties. The following aims to assist in the process of resolution.
Notwithstanding this Policy and its associated Procedures, if the grievance is a matter dealt with in the Basketball Australia Member Protection By-Law it shall be dealt with in accordance with that By-Law. In addition, if the grievance is to be dealt with under another Australian Law (federal or state), it shall be dealt with under that/those law(s).
Procedure to Follow
Complaints will be initially raised with the General Manager. Should a complaint be raised with another staff or Board of Directors member, that person should outline the details of this policy and offer to assist the complainant in an advocacy or supportive role.
All complaints must be in writing to be dealt with in a formal manner.
The General Manager will provide details of the complaint to the Feedback Committee, consisting of the General Manager, Junior Development Manager, Member Protection Officer making up the Feedback Committee. The Feedback Committee will handle the matter sensitively and promptly by exploring all the issues raised by the complainant. They will then approach any staff or Board Member concerned to explore their understanding of the situation, if required.
The Feedback Committee may investigate to determine the legitimacy of a grievance and shall take all necessary steps to resolve the grievance, including recommending action to staff members or the Board, if required.
Where the Feedback Committee determines that a grievance does not justify action, the aggrieved party shall be informed both in writing and in person and they may appeal to the Board who will refer the matter to the relevant Vice President or the Treasurer.
The Feedback Committee will meet as required, after a complaint has been lodged, with outcome to be responded to within 48 hours from this meeting. If no complaints are lodged then the Feedback Committee will not meet.
In most cases, it is expected that the complaint can be resolved through a process of enabling each party to appreciate the other person’s issues. In some cases there will be a need to mediate between the two parties.
In all cases it is imperative that the two parties appreciate the entirety of the issue and the actions they have undertaken to both initiate the grievance and to ensure its resolution. This enables the process to be part of the Club’s Learning and Development Strategy.
Issues to consider when resolving greivances
Confidentiality about the complaint will be maintained as far as practicable. As a general principle however, complainants will be asked if the individual being complained about can be made aware of the complaint and its source.
Maintaining sensitivity to the details of the complaint regardless of the arbitrator’s perception of the significance of the complaint is also important.
For the Club to be able to deliver the best possible services to its clients and Club members it needs to become informed of all complaints and be able to resolve them in a way which builds trust and admiration for the Club.
Feedback committe can not resolve a complaint or recommends a member is expelled
Infrequently, the Feedback Committee will not be able to satisfactorily resolve a complaint OR may recommend a member is expelled.
Where the Feedback Committee determines that a grievance cannot be resolved either between the two parties or with the Feedback Committee and the two parties, details of the complaint shall be communicated to the member at least one month before the next meeting of the Board where the matter will be determined.
Where the Feedback Committee determines that the actions of a member are in contravention of the Club’s Constitution or Policies and the breach is such that the member’s actions may warrant expulsion, the matter will be presented to the Board at a Special Board meeting to be held not more than one month from the Feedback Committee’s recommendation.
Action as a result of a greivance being upheld
Where a grievance has been referred to the Board for a determination, the determination shall be communicated to the member, and in the event of an adverse determination the member shall, (subject to Constitution clause 5.7, cease to be a member 14 days after the committee has communicated its determination to the member.
It shall be open to a member to appeal the expulsion to the Club at a general meeting. The intention to appeal shall be communicated to the Secretary of the Club within 14 days after the determination of the Board has been communicated to the member.
In the event of an appeal, the appellant’s membership of the Club shall not be terminated unless the determination of the Board to expel the member is upheld by the members of the Club in a general meeting after the appellant has been heard by the members of the Club, and in such event membership will be terminated at the date of the general meeting at which the determination of the Board is upheld.
Feedback Committe Report
The Feedback Committee will report their findings to the Board.
The Forestville Eagles Basketball Club states in its Equal Opportunity Policy, that all members and staff have a right to expect that they will be treated equally and with respect at the Club. Additionally, the Club expects that: -
- All members will be treated by staff and Board of Directors Members equally and with respect and
- All staff and Board of Directors Members will behave in a professional manner at all times whilst in their Club role.
From time to time however, people may have a concern about: -
- A matter of policy or procedure or its implementation,
- The actions of other staff or Board of Directors Members,
- The actions of a Club member,
- The manner in which an incident at work was handled.
It is the intention of the Board of Directors, that such concerns are handled quickly and sensitively and ultimately resolved to the satisfaction of all parties. The following aims to assist in the process of resolution.
Notwithstanding this Policy and its associated Procedures, if the grievance is a matter dealt with in the Basketball Australia Member Protection By-Law it shall be dealt with in accordance with that By-Law. In addition, if the grievance is to be dealt with under another Australian Law (federal or state), it shall be dealt with under that/those law(s).